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 Guided Wave Inspection



The inspection of large structures using conventional ultrasonic bulk wave techniques is slow because scanning is required if the whole structure is to be tested. Ultrasonic guided waves provide an attractive solution to this problem because they can be excited at one location on the structure and will propagate many metres.


However, guided wave testing is complicated by the presence of many possible wave modes, most of which are dispersive. These guided wave characteristics offer a wealth of opportunities for the extraction of information about the structure, but it is crucial to manage this complexity if the test is to be useable in industrial practice.


Guided wave ultrasonics are utilized for the rapid scanning of large volume of piping systems. Guided wave utilizes a ring of transducers that is place around the pipe and emits sound waves that are sent along the pipe in both directions from the ring. Many feet of pipe may be inspected at one time, depending on a variety of factors including surface condition, the presence of pipe wrap systems and mechanical features such as elbows etc... Guided waves are best used as a screening tool as part of a more comprehensive strategy that pinpoints where more extensive volumetric examinations should be performed.


GUL Wavemaker®G4™

The Wavemaker®G4™ is GUL’s newest platform for collecting guided wave inspection data. Released in 2011, it builds upon the proven success of the Wavemaker G3. It contains 32 transducer channels for interfacing to all of GUL’s transduction systems. It also contains a range of peripherals to ensure quality guided wave data is collected quickly and efficiently; these include automatic transducer detection and diagnostics, an operator identification method, and a built in GPS.




     The Wavemaker®G4™ pipescreening system allows long lengths of pipes in difficult access areas to be quickly screened for corrosion and other defects.

     not needed disconnection of the equipment at the time of diagnostics;

     minimized costs of preparing for the testing;

     time savings and high reliability of the identification of potentially dangerous areas of the pipeline;

     time saving on carrying out the technical diagnostics;

     The Wavemaker®G4™ system employs lightweight transducer rings to send guided waves along the pipe

     Sophisticated software routines help categorize reflections from changes in the cross section of the pipe




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 APC Guided Wave GUL.pdf

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