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 Tank Wall Inspection



APC provides tank wall inspections using RMS – RAPID MOTION SCANNER. The RMS is a high speed, high accuracy remote access ultrasonic corrosion mapping system designed to evaluate the condition of ferrous structures such as storage tanks, pipelines, pressure vessels and other critical equipment, supporting effective and safe operation.

The RMS2 can give 100% coverage in a band up to 1000 mm wide, significantly increasing Probability of Detection (POD) of corrosion, enabling engineers to determine the optimum repair strategy and improve risk life assessment (RLA) & risk based inspection (RBI) maintenance programs. The RMS is extremely flexible with a range of scanning heads to suit different inspection requirements.

The RMS software integrates scanner control, data capture, data analysis and reporting tools. The software shows a real-time display of the ultrasonic A-scan, C-scan, thickness measurement and positional data, with a maximum resolution of 0.5 mm x 0.5 mm. All of this information is recorded when a scan is saved.

The modular user interface, has been designed to hide and restore infrequently used controls, with a single mouse click, and save specific screen layouts for future use.

The ultrasonic controls are similar to those on a standard ultrasonic flaw detector so a trained ultrasonic operator can quickly become familiar with all functions.



·      Very high speed for fast coverage with real time image display.

·      High probability of detection with up to 0.5 mm scan grid

·      Wide range of applications up to 170 ˚C

·      Inspection material thickness up to 150 mm

·      3D data view for internal/external profile

·      Can be used on any ferrous item form 6” NB to flat plate

·      Longitudinal scanning head for increased productivity on crude oil transfer lines, slug catchers and the like

·      Up to 50 meter long x 1 m wide scan data acquisition feasible in one location

·      Field proven durability & reliability

·      Aid to reduce maintenance costs by minimizing use of scaffolding

·      No paint removal required



·      Localized / generalized pitting.

·      General corrosion

·      Laminations

·      Hydrogen blistering

·      Hydrogen induced cracking (HIC)

·      Stress corrosion cracking (SCC)

·      De-bonding of internal liners


Download brochure: 

 APC Tank Wall Inspection.pdf

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