
(+86) 10 8494 5075

 Pipeline Cleaning & Gauging



APC offers tailor made cleaning services based on a variety of cleaning applications with carefully selected components like brushes, cups, discs, magnetic separators and electronic instrumentation such as transmitters and pipeline data loggers.


The contamination with debris, dust, scale, unwanted liquids and wax are major threats for the efficient and safe operation of pipelines. These substances can create an environment for aggressive corrosion and can lead also to increased pressure loss, blocked pipelines or clogged instruments.


The offered service starts with the analysis of the actual condition based on past ILI measurements, pressure and flow readings, cleaning records and as build drawings or other available relevant documentation in close cooperation with the pipeline operator. Subsequently the development and the implementation of the tailored cleaning program is carried out.




   Efficient and safe pipeline operation by tailor made cleaning program.

   Prevention of corrosion and erosion by removing unwanted substances.

   Cleaning performance control by progressive and staggered approach.

   High availability and a wide range of proven tool configurations addressing cleaning challenges at individual operational pipeline requirements.




All aspects from the cleaning request to the assessment of the cleaning program are covered with the flexibility to choose from various service options.

   PDL – in-situ measurement of operational parameters along the pipeline

   Multi-Diameter – pipelines with varying diameter

   Offshore – long distance and high pressure

   Integrity – RBI, FFP


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