
(+86) 10 8494 5075

 Metal Loss Inspection (UT)



Ultrasonic inspection technology is well accepted by the industry and is an established method for the quantitative wall thickness measurement and for the detection and sizing of metal loss features in liquid pipelines. The full recording of the A-scan allows to maintain the detection and sizing capabilities even in the presence of debris, wax or paraffin layers on the inner pipe surface. In addition the thickness and thus the volume of these layers can be determined.


In-line Inspection using Ultrasonic technology is well suited to address the broad range of metal loss anomalies present in liquid pipelines and helps to maintain their structural integrity.


APC utilizes ROSEN's UT tools for wall thickness inspections and provide direct measurement technology with high accuracy and reliability. The data can and should be used for further pipeline integrity assessments and calculations that provide precise corrosion growth and lifetime evaluation, risk assessment, maintenance and inspection schedules. Inline inspection and integrity assessment methods in combination provide an excellent picture for the inspected asset.




    Accurate and precise feature classification and sizing utilizing the strength of piezo electrically generated ultrasound.      

    RSTRENG compliant river bottom profile assessment by high resolution quantitative wall thickness measurement.      

    Lifetime integrity management supported by full recording of the complete inspection raw data, e.g. A-scan, B-scan and C-scan.

    Characterization of contamination, e.g. debris, wax or paraffin, by sophisticated analysis of the A-scan data.      





All aspects from the inspection request to the final report are covered with the flexibility to choose from various service options.

    Cleaning – operational and pre inspection

    XYZ – route mapping and strain analysis

    Multi-Diameter – pipelines with varying diameter

    Combo – multiple inspection technologies in one run

    BiDi – single entry pipelines

    Offshore – long distance and high pressure

    Post ILI – data alignment and combined evaluation

    Integrity – RBI, FFP, CGA


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