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 Permanently Installed Monitoring Services



One of the main advantages of guided wave screening is the ability to inspect large lengths of inaccessible pipe from a single location. However, it is still necessary to gain access to the pipe in at least one location in order to perform the inspection. In many cases, gaining this access accounts for a large fraction of the inspection cost.


Where recurrent inspection is needed, APC provides solution and substantial cost savings by permanently installing the latest gPIMS® system on the target pipe. gPIMS® system is a transducer ring in which the active sensors are moulded into a robust, flexible polyurethane encapsulation . This is clamped and bonded onto the pipe. Its robust design means that it is easily sealed for complete long-term environmental protection.


The transducer ring is installed on the pipe and taking a cable from it to a connection box in a convenient-to-access location. On buried pipe and on elevated sections, this involves bringing a connection to ground level, while on risers the connection can be made on the platform.



·   Sensitivity to cross sectional changes of 1% or less;

·   Circumferential location and angular extent of defects (C-scan and focusing);

·   Dynamic frequency sweeping;

·   Environmentally sealed transduction for reliable operation over many years;

·   Long connection cables to allow for selection of the best gPIMS® location.

·   Results can then be easily compared to previous tests in order to detect small changes in the condition of the pipe.


The system is capable to detect circumferential distribution of wall loss and the operation over a wide frequency range enable high probability of detection (POD) and low probability of false indication (PFI). The experience when working in relatively difficult operational environments (road crossings and offshore pipes) demonstrates the robustness and durability of the gPIMS® sensors. The gPIMS® have been shown to be reliable in applications where a remote sensor approach provides a good solution in terms of cost/benefit.

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